How do you calculate my "Grams Available"?

The following are events that affect your "Grams Available" number:

Events that increase your Grams Available:

  1. Approval of your medical document (or VAC approval)

    When your approval is initialized, your "Grams Available" begins with a 30-day supply.

    For example, if you have a 3g per day approval, your "Grams Available" will be 90g when first initialized (3g * 30 days = 90g).

  1. Daily increment

    Your "Grams Available" number increments daily by your "Grams Per Day" number, up to a 30-day supply. For example, if you have an active medical document with 3 grams per day, your "Grams Available" will increment every day by 3 grams, up to 90g (3g * 30 days = 90g).

    Note: Benefits of daily increment - by incrementing your "Grams Available" daily, you never have to wait to place an order. You can choose to place an order 5, 10, 14, or 30 days after your previous order. This allows you the flexibility to choose when you want to order. For example, if you want to order a newly launched product, you don't have to wait for your "Grams Available" to reset because your "Grams Available" is being maintained daily.

Events that decrease your Grams Available:

  1. Placing an order

    After your order is placed, the total number of grams in the order will be removed from your "Grams Available". If you still have "Grams Available" after placing an order you can place another order.

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